Certificate of good standing Panama Company or Panama Foundation
The certificate of good standing is a document issued by the Public Registry of Panama, in the certificates section. It is used as proof of the current situation in which a corporation is. We can get for you status or certificate of good standing for any company or foundation incorporated in Panama.
This certificate shows current data such as:
Name of the Corporation
Status:Active/Inactive(Suspended),or Dissolved
Registration Record Number
Record Date
Directors of the company
Legal representative
Resident agent or lawyer
Capital of the company
Duration of the company
Time: The time it takes to obtain this certificate is very fast. It takes just 2 days plus the time it takes to apostille the document and to send documents by courier.​
We work with the most recognized courier companies so we will not have problems in shipping. We are located in Panama City , Panama so we get the document directly from the Public Registry.
We also provide company formations restorations, dissolutions, or changes of registered agents. We will also provide you for a fee with the status of your current Panama entity.
Price for obtaining certificates of good standing for your companies is US$200.00 with English translation and apostille. Courier to most countries is US$75.00.​ We accept major credit cards VISA / MASTERCARD / AMERICAN EXPRESS.
Contact us: FIDEX GROUP SA,
Tel: +507-227-1741.
Email: fidexgroupsa@gmail.com